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In this adaptation of Shakespeare�s early comedy, it is immediately
clear that Proteus and Valentine share more than a love of pouffy sleeves
and centre partings. The play is gayed up with rejigged scenes and
dialogue, some fabulous cloaks and a lot of camp. Original lines become
ironic, so when Proteus talks about wooing Julia, Valentine seems about to
slap his face, rather than slap him on the back. It�s Corrie�s Todd and
Karl in frilly shirts.
Valentine fails to woo his own beard Silvia, and the shirt lifter joins
the arse bandits. His trio of banished gay outlaws is all stiletto boots,
over-styled hair and shirts tied at the waist. The clown Launce also plays
shamelessly to the audience with surreal gags and a pull-along dog, a
Shakespearian Harry Hill. This broad comedy is a nice relief from the
gent-on-gent action when their love/hate mini-dramas become a bit
The original ending, with Silvia passed from one gentleman to another,
raped and fainting, is preposterous to a modern audience. Here in a
delightfully queer finale the two women also get it together (perhaps a
little abruptly) and the two giggling couples marry for convention but set
up home as a foursome. Gentlemen, please!