Will Not has been mentioned by these magazines,
newspapers, websites and radio shows. I add new ones at the top, and
sometimes I don't find them for a long time, hence the eccentric date
order. Please let me know in the guestbook where you find out about
Will Not, especially if it is not listed here. Click the logo or title
to visit the sites.
The anti-monarchy
site (now deleted) listed Will Not as a "source of information".
"Read the story of a man who was sent emails by people who thought his
email address belonged to Prince William"
FunJunkie is an "off-beat, irreverent UK weblog". On 10 October 2002 under
the heading Prince William's Admirers, they wrote about about the
excellent Tony Blair's e-mails project at Bloggerheads. They
went on "Meanwhile, its not only Manic who's been getting e-mails for
important people. Will Not kept getting e-mails to his fake Prince William
address, all of which he gloriously publishes for your delight."
Republi-Canada is a Yahoo group for discussing the
abolition of the Canadian monarchy and the creation of a republic".
Moderator Jonathan Makepeace recommended Will Not in a message to
the 50 members on 1 November 2001, and added the site to his links page.
16-year-old Andrea lives in Lima, Peru. Her homepage (now deleted)
includes a link to Will Not, "the most hilarious page on Prince
William ever...es un cague de risa!"
On the Spin Getalong Gang notice board,
Dharma asked "What's the funniest website you've ever come across?".
Dharma's own choice was will.not. "A friend of mine found it and
sent the url to me. It's the story of how a lad received e-mails from
people believing that his address belonged to Prince William. On his site
are a collection of e-mails that he was sent. Very entertaining reading -
I laughed for ages."
17-year-old LA native Selina is at Harvard Summer School and is keeping
a journal using livejournal.com. Surfing in the early hours, she found
Will Not:
"lol, I FOUND THIS GREAT SITE!! It's HILARIOUS: do me a fave and please
just go and spend 10mins there, REALLY FUNNY! Me and Katherine having a
nice PW laugh night!
"This guy had an email address that many thought was PW's and sent him
weirdo emails, very adolescent longing notes...lol, omg, I just realize
how embarrassed I was when I went through that stage. So embarrassed to
buy those BOP and BIG BOPPER magazines and even then at CVS, second time
this summer I didn't buy the PW on the cover mag. WHY? It IS embarrassing,
but I was willing to risk it before, not now. SO it's OVER! Only reason
why I'd ever like PW is because he's famous and damn Disney...DAMN DISNEY
"Please go to that site and read some feedback he got, I love Maria and
Danielle's replies. After he stated he wasn't PW they still email him
thinking he looks like him/has connections/is him. LoL, and the guy's a
gay man in his 30s, lives in England too. Sigh, I know these feelings the
crazy girls have! This site epitomizes some feelings I have, i give them
empathy!!! LoL, it's sooo sad, but as Katherine says, "yet we still
laugh." LoL

"This guy set up a fake Prince
William email address, received lots of emails from many a young female
fanatical fan and published them on his page for your viewing pleasure, my
kinda guy."

Craccum is the student magazine at
Auckland University, New Zealand. Thomas Scovell mentions will.not in his
Webshite column in their Monarchy issue: "an online archive of
emails to HRH that got sent to the wrong address." Click the cover image
to read the whole column, which has some very interesting links.
Wills Ocupa Espaco
On this Brazilian
Yahoo Club, someone posted a link to will.not. The Altavista translator
tells me it says: "The site is really interesting, and shows the many
faces of William's fans. ... and their naivety of them. Clearly, Prince
William would not disclose his email address! The owner of this website
created the email account, and later the site, and he received (and
incredibly, still receives) tons of emails meant for Wills. I read one sad
message from a girl who had also lost her mother. For whatever reason,
they keep on contacting him/her, and it is very interesting, though cruel
for the girls who believed the bullshit!
The tacky but compelling free
magazine for young gay men chose will.not as their Site of the Week in the
Net Nancy column.
Site of the Week: "A
strange and revealing look into the mind of the fan, courtesy of Prince
William. Madness."
The London
page of UKHotel.net lists hotels, B&Bs, tourist attractions
and, right at the bottom, Will Not: "See what happened when an
ordinary Londoner posed online as Prince William - hilarious!"
23 April
They are gossiping about me on The Thorn Tree, Lonely Planet's
bulletin board for world travellers.

That Are His Eyes is Kathleen Gallagher's online journal. She is a
Canadian journalism student and cultural critic. I just discovered that on
Wednesday 21 June last year, she wrote that "Will Not is a website
chronicling a web-prank that spiraled out of control. A bunch of teenage
girls thought they had Will's e-mail and hilarity ensued!".
This Singapore-based site
provides "online cultural adrenalin". They featured Will Not in
their Psst! section.

Will Not is
announced as a Yahoo! Pick of the Day and, weirdly, is added to their History section! Meanwhile, I still have a listing in
their Entertainment category too, under Royal Humour.

The online version of The
Northern Echo ran an poorly proof-read article "Getting Online with
William" where Will Not is listed as one of the "stangest" Prince
William websites. Click the banner to read the article.

This German site
provides daily birthday links. The June 21 listing for "William von Wales"
included a link to Will Not with the annotation (translated from
the German) "a personal homepage with information about the Royal
children. The standard is equivalent to that of glossy magazines." Some
time in Spring 2001, the link was removed.
The "Entertainment
Buzz" area of seventeen.com features Will Not in an article
"Feigned Prince Fesses Up". Kim Kleyla writes that Will Not is "guaranteed
to make you re-think writing fan letters once you read them from the other
Indecent Proposals A
battle of Wills: "The Internet, we're always told, allows you to
change your identity at the click of a mouse. But while many of us may
dream of being royalty, few would get away with impersonating a memebr of
Britain's premier family. Amazingly, that's just what happened to one
Londoner last year, when he set up a 'joke' email account in Wills' name.
Said account then got listed in the WhoWhere directory -- and the messages
flooded in: indecent suggestions, proposals of marriage and scarily
obsessive rantings. Even when the owner exposed it as a hoax, many didn't
understand. Read the whole story (and the hilarious emails)".
A letter from me about this site
was chosen as the Star Letter. The Big Issue had been running a series of
articles about fans, and I offered my perspective. I had some very nice
messages in the guestbook from Big Issue readers.
Student Websites
Leave me alone, I’m not a Prince William! Check out this
website from a guy that they all thought was Prince William. Mistakenly
listed in an on-line directory as His Royal Highness, "will.not" became
inundated with mail from fans of the Prince. Bombarded for a month,
eventually he could take no more and shut the e-mail account down, but in
it’s place set up a website dedicated to the cause.. This site has
received shed loads of feedback as Will Not himself explained to us...
"William at 18" documentary
Media for Channel 5
In April 2000 I was interviewed about this website
for "William at 18", a Granada documentary also shown by A&E in the
US. Sadly, I was edited out in the final stages, when it was decided that
the film should focus wholly on William and his life, and not on his
cultural significance. Still, I had fun, and the people from Granada were
very nice and liked the site. "William at 18" was on Channel 5 on Tuesday
15 June 2000 at 8:00 p.m.

Sydney Morning
Herald internet guide
"The bizarre case of how the (anonymous) site
owner inadvertently convinced dozens of people that his or her email
address was really that of Prince William. I know it sounds complicated,
but stay with it. The site features much of the email correspondence the
fake Wills received, most of which is, predictably, from starstruck young
women. One or two correspondents should definitely have known better,
including one bizarre missive from someone working at the Commonwealth
ALIGN=LEFT>Fierce Site of the
"see what happens when royalty makes themselves available to
the public"
"Falscher Prinz"
article in the Menschen im Netz section
"Flugs veroeffentlichte der britische Spassvogel die Fanpost im
Internet - ohne Absender"

"...take a look at The Prince
William E-mails - a site detailing how someone set-up a bogus Prince
William e-mail address, and received numerous e-mails from people thinking
that it was the real Prince William (!?) You can read some of the
correspondence and how exactly it all came about at the website!"

listed in
Humour section
Weird Web Wonder
"Send this man to the
tower: the strange case of Prince William's cyber impostor"
"You've got to read it to
believe it, but ye Gods, there really are some stupid people out there in
World Wide Weird
"Learn how one woman inadvertently
fooled hundreds into believing she was Prince William"

A radio station
in Bavaria picked will.not as one of "Die Webseite der Woche" [Websites of
the Week], but the link has now dropped off their online archive.

The "Online Mix" column featured
will.not. The Google translator tells me it reads as follows. The
secret fan Mails at Prince William in the Internet Actually will.not
wanted to take the liberty only a small joke: It created itself with the
Provider England.com as Prince William a free eMail address, in order to
send to a friend one fun eMail. When it recalled however some weeks later
the almost forgotten address again, it experienced a strong surprise: over
100 humans went into unintentional on the glue and paid to the false
prince their heart! will.not could not resist and placed the Mails
(without sender specification) on its web page. The love letters and fan
Mails to the britschen successor to the throne read themselves quite
maintenance SAM, but one asks oneself nevertheless again and again, how
are naively some on-line user, if they fall to a simple free eMail
NTK: weekly high-tech sarcastic update for the
Memepool column