Fri, 13 Aug 1999 09:32:32 -0400
think your web page is interesting. You see, our web address is linked to
the Prince William County, Virginia Home Page and we have received many
messages meant for Prince William. Most of them were just sad. I sent
messages back to some saying that the only reason they feel a "connection"
with him is because he's rich and famous. If he was a nobody, they
wouldn't be sending mass emails trying to become his "best friend". From
now on, if I get any I will forward them on to you.
REPLY: Gee thanks...(!) No, please don't forward them to me, I am
depressed enough. Actually, I am glad the mix-up happened, because it gave
me the idea and the material for the web page. I think the problem is that
you are (like I was) listed in the WhoWhere? directory as just "Prince
William". You could probably ask the WhoWhere people to change it, or to
delete your lisiting.
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 16:32:43 EDT
Dear webmaster,
I being a woman of many useless words have been left speechless. You are
so articulate and intellectually sound that I find myself being
intimidated by you. By no means do I mean to sound cocky, however, I've
never encountered anyone that is at the same intellectual level as myself.
I find myself inspired to start a fake web domain of my own, perhaps
Pamela Anderson ... no wait she had her implants removed and no one likes
her now. How about the former Ginger Spice? That should get me some
attention. Anyway, I am just sitting here with a fever in a NyQuil induced
daze surfing the web, I have no clue how I ended up here. I hope with a
couple more tablespoons of the "green death" as I like to call it I will
pass out, wake up in early August so I won't miss my 19th birthday on the
16th. I wonder if "Ny Quil" is even distributed in England. I am in
America, Missouri, to be more specific. I am a relative of a Spanish
Countess and I was actually searching for information on the royal family
of Spain, to see if my great great great grandmother is on the web; and
this bizarre but interesting site was presented to me and here I am ...
lucky you. Please exuse my punctuation and all other grammatical errors, I
am not my usual self today, and by no means am I in the mood to conduct a
spell check. I hope this email finds you in the near future, and that
maybe we can continue to email eachother. I am planning a trip to Europe
for spring '00. Until I hear from you then.
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 20:16:32 EDT
In response to your comment on the US
and Australian and French e-mails being prominent among those that were
sent to the fake Prince William e-mail address, perhaps it has something
to do with the fact that we do not have a monarchy that attracts so many
young girls from these nations. Particularly in those "new" nations with
no history of a noble class with titles, the idea of being a princess,
especially for a girl has seemed dreamlike and in the realm of
fairy-tales. So for some of the girls, the idea of a living, breathing,
cute, prince of England that happens to be of an obtainable age is
intriguing, (I speak as an American teen who grew up on these fairy tales
and Disney versions.)
On a side note, do you have any information on
whether Prince William has been romantically involved with anyone? I have
seen only vague allusions to this, and was wondering if you might have any
more information on it.
Thank you for the time you might have taken on
your response.
REPLY: I think you are right, but isn't it interesting that citizens
of those particular countries are supposed to be proud of not being a
monarchy, of not giving people privelege simply because of their birth. I
don't think the people who wrote to "William" would like to have a
monarchy in their own country! Or maybe they just want to shag him... As
for whether he is dating, sorry I know NOTHING about William, and really
do not care. There are links to some of the better fan sites on my page:
try them for the gossip.
Thanks for your response, it is kind of interesting how we probably
wouldn't want monarchies in our countries. Of course, when I become
absolute and supreme ruler of the world, that will be kind of hard to
stop, oops, did I let that slip out? But if there's one thing I know about
American teenagers, it's that most of them are pretty uninvolved in
politics, and the institutions that we are supposed to be proud of have
been ground into our being so much that most probably just don't care
anymore. By the way, I think the other HUGE factor in the adoration of
Prince William is that most people are really attracted to him, and, I
guess want to shag him (I'm sorry, it's just that I've never actually
heard someone use shag in all seriousness.) Thanx again for writing back,
I really appreciated it.
Thu, 05 Aug 1999 18:14:49 -0400
I think your web site is a stupid
Mon, 27 Aug 1956 21:15:34 +0000
Your Web page is interesting. As I
was reading the letters I was astonished at the familiarity of several of
them. William seems nice but that alone is not enough to fall in love with
him. I am quite skeptical of that posibility. I have enjoyed myself
reading them though, I supposed if people weren't infatuated with him I
would probably be doing my homework right now. I don't know him, but he
seems a bit arrogant; truthfully I have no desire to meet him, but to
humour my friend Sandra it might be possible. Whether Britain should have
a monarchy or not is something I have not found the answer to, but we must
put into consideration what usually happens to monarchies when the country
decides they are not needed anymore. I have all intention of informing
Sandra of this web site and probably dear Wills(as some may consider him)
will take a look at it.
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 12:27:51 -0700
oh my god....i cant belive i fell
for that i think i might have send a letter to your england.com it was
really long about a year and a half ago please erase it if you have it. i
would be so horrifed if anyone found out that i had been so stupid. i even
went so far as to call information about the provider befor i sent it but
god know what happened.
REPLY: The e-mail address that caused all the trouble was only
active from February to early April this year. If you don't see your
message on the site, then I didn't get it. Oh no! Does there mean there is
someone else doing it too??
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 11:42:37 +1200
My names E----, and I live in New
Zealand, just stumbled across your website. I thought it was a real laugh,
can't believe the way the yanks are so facinated with royalty! Its pretty
scary, especially as i used youre link to go and see the original messages
that were left to him on that celebrity site! Theres some nutters around,
some of the messages there now are asking them what they are going to do
about Timor! If those guys (will & harry) grown up with their brains
in one piece, itll be a miracle!
WEll, keep up the good work, EB
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:54:48 +1000
Hey there,
I think what you have
done is cruel and maybe a little funny. I would just like to know is there
a REAL Prince e-mail address?? anyway can you PLEASE reply to
REPLY: I have no idea, sorry
Hello thanks for your email and well if you find out let me know ok do
you have ICQ? If so whats your number???let me know ok
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 01:39:22 PST
Hey... I found
your website through funmail I receive, and have signed your visitors
page. But... I have a couple of questions and some comments, so I thought
I'd e-mail you direct!
I'm guessing you're male - how old are you? I'm
only asking because your prank is like the one that happened to me early
this year...
I was an AOL member for a while and started chatting to
someone who said he was a member of a well-known band. This went on for a
couple of months, and though I was extremely sceptical at first, I didn't
think there was any reason for someone on the opposite side of the world
to lie, especially since we communicated for ages before he told me
anything. Anyway what I am getting at is that suddenly the e-mail address
no longer worked, and I realised I had been duped. I'm wondering what
makes people do that sort of thing...and why?!!! Is it just guys in their
Anyway, this is not the sort of message I'd normally send, but
I thought...why the hell not!!
See you... S-- ;)
REPLY: Thanks for your message. Yes I am a man. It seems to be a
fact of internet life that people are not who they say they are,
especially in chat rooms. Most of the time, I see no harm in it, as long
as everyone understands the rules of the game, and no-one is being
But what happened to me was a little different, and (at
first) a total accident. I really didn't know how to deal with all the
messages, and they were so intense and odd I didn't have the heart to tell
people they had made a big mistake. So I replied, very briefly and
formally. If people wrote back a second or third time, they got no reply,
or a standard form reply -- I really didn't want to get into regular
correspondence with anyone. That would have been unfair.
OK I did fool
people, but some of the writers were obviously having a joke with me too,
and those were my favourites. It just sort of happened, it wasn't my plan
to pull this stunt at all. If I had planned it all, it never would have
worked so well.
But you know, many celebrities do get on the net, and
chat to people anonymously. It is the people who say they are NOT
celebrities that you should be wondering about. Maybe even me....
Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:05:39 +0800 (PHT)
oh yeah right, as if this is
the prince's email ad. Why are you pretending to be him? I think that's
not right. How would you feel if someone pretended to be you?
REPLY: I am not pretending to be him. Why do you think I am him? Did
you actually read the website?
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 22:51:54 EST
hey i was readin ur website bout those
emails peopel sent u thinkin u were PW wellll do u have those email
adresses of the people that sounded like they actually knew him like the 1
that said i didnt know u changed ur email do u still haev aol......and the
1 bout the christening?? pleasssse can i have them thank u!!
REPLY: I deleted all the addresses when I closed the e-mail account.
It’s bad enough that I put the messages on this site, do you really think
I would give you their addresses? Get real!
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 17:30:18 EST
Man I
have got to tell you that it is a really cool site you got going on. I am
a senior in high school and live in a boring town in Indiana, so I often
enjoy finding amusing sites and I have to tell you I was truly
entertained. LOL I guess my first two sentences are redundant. I also have
to say, I think it's kind of neat that maybe little teeny bopper girls who
adore HRH Prince William got to think they were writing him, perhaps it
gave them the idea that at least "their Prince" knew how they "LOVED" him.
Keep up the good work!
REPLY: Thanks very much, I am glad you like it. Believe it or not,
people still write to me thinking I am William, not using the address that
caused all the trouble, but using the feedback address and guestbook for
this site! Unbelievable. Who knows, maybe he will visit the site himself,
sohe can pick up his e-mail finally.
I thought about what you said about how people still write you
thinking you are HRH Prince William (lol I was really bored one night!)
and I think I might have came up with an idea of why people continue to do
so. People may think, that perhaps William would get a kick out of reading
what people have to say to him, thus he is saying he is someone else to do
so. Also one of the first things I noticed when I recieved your email was
at the top where it's supposed to have a name, I saw the name "Will"
whether that be your name or not people are going to think OH MY GOD IT IS
WILLIAM!! lol However why people think the Prince would have time to do
such a thing is beyond me. I also have to agree with you, it would be neat
if William had read all the letters on your site. I suppose he would truly
think people are crazy after something like that. Well I hope you had a
merry Christmas and a have a happy New Years!